Water for People
Sustainability Services Checklist External Evaluator

Assess the level of sustainability of water and sanitation services using Water For People’s Sustainable Services Checklist (SSC), according to Water For People's indicators and methodology, assigning a score for each metric in Water For People's SSC tool in 4 Water For People countries in Africa across 15 partner area districts:
• Malawi: Chikwawa, Chiradzulu, Peri-Urban Blantyre, Neno and Ntchisi
• Rwanda: Karongi, Kicukiro, Gicumbi, Gisagara, Rulindo, Nyamagabe
• Tanzania: Mpwapwa
• Uganda: Kamwenge, Luuka, Buikwe
Maximum: 38 business days in total. Note field visits and interviews occurring simultaneously
across CPs over 14 total days.
Estimated Start Date: April 1, 2025
Completion Date: May 30, 2025
Think you have what it takes but not sure you check every box? Research shows that while men apply to roles when they meet an average of 60% of the criteria, women often only apply when they meet every requirement. If you are hesitating, apply!